Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Creepy Wednesday: Child of God Creepypasta Review

 Welcome back to Creepy Wednesday. Hope the weeks been going well for everyone (which it has for me, other than the sad realization that no one reads this blog, and I'm just talking to myself. Ha!).First things first: Here is a link to the creepypasta.

Be warned, as this post includes summary and, therefore, spoilers.

This creepypasta is rated 8.3/10 as of today, which is rather high on the creepypasta specrum (Jeff the Killer has a 8.7). Its written in a sort of memoir style, by the main voice and protagonist of the pasta. Its not too long, just a rather decent, typical creepypasta length. 

Basically, the protagonist tells the story of her dabble in witchcraft at the age of sixteen. She ends up summoning the spirit of a dead teenage girl to become her "friend", who then proceeds to become enamored with the main character's brother. At this point the story unwinds into a possession/exorcism style plot line, with Christian principles being brought in. Unlike many other pastas, this one ends well. So, pretty much a standard "black magic gone wrong" pasta.

I found that the matter of fact tone of the story paid off in the end. Having a character approach a more dramatic storyline rationally, especially in past tense, was definitely less engaging than in the moment storytelling (Psychosis, anyone?). But it gave the story an extra touch of realism and a rather bland and slightly regretful tone that may have made the story more haunting. I must note, though, that the unflowery language might turn some people off.

In respects to how believable the story is, I would give it a 6/10. Some areas, for example the protagonist's loneliness as a teenager, I begrudgingly acknowledged. The protagonist's raising of "Jezebel" was plausible, but I feel that the use of past tense and the fact that the narrator was looking back on her actions helped this along. The actual descriptions of the "wicca and black magic" were the most dubious. The narrator becoming "more in tune with the darkness", "drawing pentagrams in class when I was supposed to be taking notes" and "confessing my ever growing faith in the darkness"...reminds me of my over-dramatic, twelve year old emo phase! I don't know if the author wrote this intentionally. There was a definite lack of research on their part. However, this isn't the point of this pasta, so I let it off easier.

The actual exorcism is more engaging/interesting. I wont ruin it by describing it in detail, but the author doesn't mince words. Its brutal, considering that what the author mentioned concerning the narrator's "immersion in the darkness". The paragraphs about the exorcism, in my opinion, redeems the pasta. The hunters are believable, in terms of their descriptions and their actions.

Creepypastas must have strong endings. The final paragraph of this story, again, in the same bland tone, cements the realism of the story.

I would give this pasta an 8/10. Its definitely worth checking out, although some people might snicker at the "witchcraft and satanism". In agreement with some of the people in the comments over at, the "based on a true story" tag is indeed over the top, but its still a nice, light read if you enjoy creepypastas.

Read the creepypasta and tell me if you agree. Comments are more than welcome.

Read last week's Creepy Wednesday post here, where I dissect/roast Jeff the Killer. (The story, guys, not the killer.)

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