Friday, 6 March 2015

Ten Signs You're a Die-hard Welcome to Night Vale Fan

1. Every time you see an Arby's you check above its roof.

2. Helicopters make you nervous.

3. You peek into the mens room a lot. In hopes of finding a floating cat you can keep as a pet.

4. You flinch every time you hear the name "Steve".

Really hate that guy.

5. You have more than one conspiracy/crack theory about the podcast.

6. You half expect weather announcers on the radio to play music.

7. You're pretty sure that being an intern is the most dangerous job in the universe.

8. Any mention of summer reading programs sends shivers down your spine.

9. Do NOT approach the dog park. NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED IN THE DOG PARK.

10. Who needs otp when the podcast already ships Carlos/Cecil hardcore?
And with that, listeners, I bid you good night.

Seriously, the quotes from that show are my life. My next post will likely be a quote compilation.

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