Monday, 9 March 2015

The Seven Stages of Yaoi Addiction

Note: I’m not sure if someone has already made this sort of a post, so I apologize if it seems as if I’ve ripped someone off. None of the memes/gifs used belong to me; In no way to I claim them.
This post isn’t meant to be serious...but I am dead serious about the things I’m saying here.

1. You notice the boyXboy fanart on your tumblr dash.

DUDE, NaruSasu is like, the most popular pairing!
You don’t, however, pay too much attention to it. You don’t ship that shit! Or so you tell yourself…

2. Then the fanart gets increasingly cuter.

3. And cuter.

4. Until finally, you notice the #yaoi beside the #narusasuforever…

Dafuq is THAT???

5. And so you look up Yaoi on your favorite manga hosting site.

At this point, there are only two logical reactions:

6a. You shut down your computer and gouge out your eyes.

Or you be like....

6.b Nosebleed. Nosebleed.

7.  After that, you are essentially hooked on this Yaoi thing.

And honestly, theres no shame in it. Its legal, and it makes you happy.
Thats me on a Sunday night. No jokes.

Happy Yaoi reading/watching, everyone!



Endnote: I originally posted this on one of my now defunct blogs, but as this was the most popular post and collected over 700 views, I thought it would be a pity not to move it over here.

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